Friday, October 31, 2008


Some students are experiencing problems with JSTOR. First, be sure your pop-up blocker allows the JSTOR web site to be accessed. In some cases you will need to press CTRL + click.

If you want to email .pdf files to yourself, you will now need to create an account in My JSTOR. The link is at the top of the search page. Once you are in My JSTOR you can go to Export and follow the instructions there. If you need more assistance, use the Help link at the top of the page or ask us for help.

Also, remember that when you are in Adobe Acrobat Reader, you cannot use the File menu in your browser to print. You must use the Printer Icon in the Acrobat toolbar.

One more thing--if you click on the Email Icon in the Acrobat Reader toolbar, it will attempt to email the file using the email program on the computer, such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. The library computers are not setup to allow this, so this icon will not work on the public computers.

Proxy Server Working Again

The proxy server can be used again for off-campus logins. You need to know your Banner email and password. Use the part of the mail before the @ sign as your login and the password will be the same one you use for your Banner email.

If you don't know your email password, you should be able to locate it when you login to Banner Web. If you don't see it or have other problems, contact the Information Resources Center in the Jacob T. Stewart building.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Proxy Server

The computer department thinks it has found the problem with the proxy server. Apparently the campus firewall was causing problems. As soon as it is turned back on, the Banner login/password should work. I will let you know when this happens.